Thursday 28 June 2012

Noon day flowers - mesembryanthemum

Here are mesembryanthemums.
They only open in sunlight, so this year they have not been in full bloom a great deal.
The photograph doesn't do justice to the bright colours.
I grow some every year, as a way to entreat the sun to shine. The flowers stretch up and welcome the light and warmth. I find them heartbreakingly lovely.
The name has a Greek derivation, meaning noon flower.

Sunday 24 June 2012

Astrantia - a star in the garden

Here is astrantia - a cottage garden flower.
The name comes from the
Latin word 'aster' which means 'star.'

I love this starburst flower.
 Its easy to grow and flowers
all summer, the plant
covered in blooms.

I like the little cobweb on this one.

Sunday 17 June 2012


 One growing up into a cherry tree.
The stem is taller  than me.
Another, self-seeded, brilliant white.

Other common names of Foxglove are Dead Man's Fingers,
and Witches Bells.
 Arising from its poisonous nature,
no doubt.

Bees climb into them.

Did you ever pick individual flowers and put them on
your fingers?